Where do we go from here?

I have so many feelings about hiring researchers (or people who do research) but not enabling research and operations leaders to empower where it fits into the unique product development process at their organization, not giving them the tools and latitude to build out scalable and repeatable processes of their own, and the professional respect to ensure that the right questions are asked by the right people at the right time. 

  • EVERYONE does research, they just do, stop fighting it

  • Research basics education are non-negotiable

  • Specialists are critical

  • Information silos are the slow death of innovation

Think and plan ahead. 

Hire someone with the heart to build the bridges needed to break down those silos, the vision to define the processes for that tactical work to exist in, and then have people do that fast, tactical work in transparent frameworks that empower your entire organization..

Hire research turtles first, not research rabbits. 

The way we show up has changed. Headshots should too.

My previous experience working remotely before 2020 prepared me for this new world – but my strong ability to build connections and community with strangers around the world is what prepared me to bring my whole self to a new world and infuse it with compassion, vigor, excitement, and success. How we work has truly changed to become more human, more of our whole selves showing up at work, and more authenticity and grit in what we do.

I was ready for this shift, and I was ready to help others shift as well.